Friday, August 31, 2007

Q for the Eunuchs

"One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones
out of stumbling blocks."

-- Jack Penn


GeckoMan said...

This picture is of the Oregon coast, near Bandon. Notice the direction of light is from sunrise. I love solitary walks on the beach in the morning, when the light is warmly hued upon the breakers and my shadow is long on the skating surf.

I grew up in Oregon. I never intended to leave. My heart has always longed for home; someday I will return. We don't always control the path of our lives, and how we deal with life's barriers or 'stumbling blocks' often proves to be our journey's greatest teacher.

Nichole said...

I LOVE the Oregon coast. I live outside of Portland and I try to go every time I'm home. I just feel so out of whack in a desert climate. I need the comforting rain and the trees!

I like the perspective of this post. It is difficult to remember that trials are for our good, even though it says so everywhere in the scriptures. Thanks for reminding me.

chedner said...

This eunuch will try to do so... however, he is not going to be happy about it as he would rather take the stumbling blocks and shove them... well, never mind about me finishing that thought...

(P.S. I always love the comments you post on my blog; I hope you won't be dissuaded to continue to share your thoughts with me based on another's comments.)

agirlwho: trees and rain... two of my most favorite of things...

GeckoMan said...

agirlwho: thanks for visiting my blog and letting me know you were here by your note. I hope you comment again when so moved in the future. (ps. I liked your poetry on your blog. I hope you have fun and work hard in your senior year at BYU.)

Chedner: bless your good heart, and know that charity overcomes frustration. Choose to be happy. (pps. I know you're probably thinking, "easier said than done," but I've experienced all it takes is getting beyond self and truly loving and serving others.)

MY VIEW said...

Keep the faith. You always say things in a way that I wish I could. You come off as loving. I come off as preachy. Most of the time I know that if I just keep my mouth shut you will say what I want to in the way that I want to. Thank you!